Monday, May 25, 2020
Global Warming Human Exploit Or Natural Phenomenon
Global Warming; Human Exploit or Natural Phenomenon Global warming stems back to the beginning of time. In more recent years, however, the discussion about this phenomenon has been that it’s happening too rapidly and opposing sides argue that this may be a natural occurrence involving the sun or the result of human activity in which may be to blame. An adversary from St. Petersburg s Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia, the head of space research, Habibullo Abdussamatov stated that â€Å"Man-made greenhouse warming has made a small contribution to the warming on Earth in recent years, but it cannot compete with the increase in solar irradiance†(Than, 2007). Research over the years, however, have shown that global warming is mainly or at least partly due to human activity which causes harmful greenhouse gases to be trapped in the earth’s atmosphere. The act of dumping waste in landfills and deforestation is merely two contributing factors amongst some other human actions that contribute to global warming. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) temperatures in the last hundred years have risen 1.4 degrees. Human waste which produces greenhouse gases (GHGs) is a key factor in global warming. Globally, the act of the dumping of waste in landfills will cause organic waste to produce greenhouse gases (GHGs) such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) as well as water vapors to rise into the atmosphere, due to putrefaction thus causing the changes inShow MoreRelatedWe Can Not Succeed When Half Of Us Are Held Back879 Words  | 4 Pagesborders. In either case, the globalization has evolved thought the last 50 years and it has positives and negatives effects reflected on economy, environment and human rights. A Globalized Economy opens frontiers and generates free competition, sometimes uneven, between markets. Usually, China, USA, Germany and UK among others lead this global trade nevertheless, increasing productivity, infrastructure and government policies become the key to strengthen and survive in an open market. Free trade treatiesRead MoreClimate Change1705 Words  | 7 PagesOutline: 1-Introduction for climate change †¢ Background information †¢ Definition of climate change 2-Body: A- The causes of climate change †¢ The causes of climate change †¢ Natural causes of climate change B- Effects of climate change †¢ Human effects on climate change †¢ Greenhouse gases effect †¢ Changing in the ecosystems. C- Solutions for climate change: †¢ Avoid cutting trees and forests †¢ The use of the renewable resources †¢ Sequestration 3-Read MoreGlobal Warming As Causes Of El Nino Southern Oscillation Phenomena2540 Words  | 11 Pagesâ€Æ' ESSAY PLAN Global Warming As Causes Of El Nino-Southern Oscillation Phenomena The advancements in various sectors in the life of human beings, which often exploit natural resources without control, directly or indirectly lead to changes in the environment sustained effect unconsciously towards the emergence of a disaster. The other thing is the changes of natural phenomena that occur periodically turned into irregular and even a negative effect on habitat and human life. People unrealizedRead MoreIn The Last 100 Years, The Amount Of Greenhouse Gases In1405 Words  | 6 Pagesand climate researchers have shown that gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and others can trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere, causing a phenomenon known as the greenhouse effect. Human activities such as industry, transport, energy generation and deforestation all produce these greenhouse gases. In the last 20 years, concern has grown that global warming is inevitable and now considered most probably caused by man-made increases in greenhouse gas emissions. In this essay, I will analyze Dr. ChukwumerijeRead MoreFirst Along The River - Short Answer Take Home Exam1243 Words  | 5 PagesElazegui Klein History 3-C March 2015 First Along The River - Short Answer Take Home Exam 1. A good example that support the theory that â€Å"Western Society assumes that humanity and nature are disconnected and that the environment is subordinate to human needs.†are first, Puritans belief that they had the God given right to subdue both nature and any Native Americans they saw, which was all for the glory of expanding the Christian society. A second example is the key beliefs of d’Holbach’s and otherRead More The tragedy of the commons invading our environmental rights case study: coral reefs1983 Words  | 8 Pagesto its destruction. The destruction of these resources leads into another topic discussed by Shari Collins-Chobanian as well as others; this is the idea of â€Å"environmental rights†(Collins Chobanian). This idea entails that all people have certain natural rights to their environment that should be unalienable â€Å"†¦[the] most basic rights are the right to subsistence and include unpolluted air, unpolluted water, adequate food, adequate clothing, adequate shelter, and minimal preventative healthcare†(Collins-ChobanianRead MoreThe War Of A Forest Fire1380 Words  | 6 Pagespeople we are able to sustain ourselves in terms of resources. It’s important to consider how much food and materials each human uses in their lifespan. Overpopulation is one the most pressing environmental issues. Many other environmental issues are derived from overpopulation; including global warming, environmental pollution, habitat loss and the consumption of finite natural resources( ). Furthermore, when population is at an acceptable number the world can function properly. The availabilityRead MoreClimate Change and Weather2261 Words  | 10 Pageseffects, that occur over sever al decades or longer. What is Global Warming? Global warming refers to the recent and ongoing rise in global average temperature near Earths surface. It is caused mostly by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Global warming is causing climate patterns to change. However, global warming itself represents only one aspect of climate change. Climate change is happening Our Earth is warming. Earths average temperature has risen by 1.4 °C over theRead MoreEffects Of Capitalism On Production And Conservation Of Nature3956 Words  | 16 PagesAdamsâ€Æ' Abstract The report will be primarily focused on the influence of capitalism on production and conservation of nature. From being individuals dependent upon nature humans have become forces which manipulate and effect nature. Besides this, the very fact that we use the term ‘resource’ for nature represents that humans have developed the habit of considering nature as a commodity. The idea of commodification of nature has been explored in this report through the texts of Karl Marx, Neil SmithRead MoreCauses And Consequences Of Global Warming2177 Words  | 9 PagesJainam Shah Professor Larry Menna SOIM-UB 125.007 04/03/2016 Causes and Consequences of Global Warming in California Fossil fuels, including coal, oil and natural gas, have facilitated global economic development by stimulating the industrial sector. Formed when organic matter gradually concentrates over the span of millions of years, fossil fuels constitute the world s primary source of energy. Upon extraction, they are processed in refineries to create invaluable raw
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Fences Fences - 1783 Words
Tien Walker Myrton Running Wolf THTR 210 13 Oct 2014 FENCES Fences is a play, set in U.S. society in the late 1950s, which deals with serious and common issues of humankind. It is the sixth in Wilson s ten-part Pittsburgh Cycle. Like all of the Pittsburgh plays, the play was written in 1983. The beginning scene is about Troy, who is a strong character, in full control of his life, his wife, and his son Cory. The last scene is on the day of the funeral of Troy Maxson. Fences presents characters who are real flawed humans, who struggle to for control and power in their life. Their effort of the play imparts understanding of this struggle to the audience. Fences is the symbol of personal culture, as well as a sympathetic, but unforgettable central character. The United State of America had gone through a severe recession throughout 1957, the inflation increased by 31%. The number of employees were increasing, agricultural prices went down, and interest rates rose on exports after the World War II. The equal rights struggle for African-Americans had reached its peak in the 1960s after consecutive victories in the 1950s. African-Americans were increasingly committed to fighting for these rights without violence. After eighty-two years, this struggle took a step forward in getting the U.S. government to intervene in a case in which African-Americans were denied the right to vote. The efforts of the African-Americans were to gain citizen rights. PeacefulShow MoreRelatedSummary Of August Wilsons Fence1095 Words  | 5 PagesThe significance of play â€Å"Fence†by August Wilson’s start from the setting part partially he was trying to show the structure of troy family. â€Å"The yard is a small dirt yard, partially fenced, except for the last scene, with a wooden sawhorse, a pile of lumber, and other fence-building equipment set off to the side. Opposite is a tree from which hangs a ball made of rags. A baseball bat leans against the tree. Two oil drums serve as garbage receptacles and sit near the house at right to complete theRead MoreAnalysis Of August Wilson s Fence 1146 Words  | 5 PagesThe play â€Å"Fence†by August Wilson’s has a connection with real world fence. â€Å"The yard is a small dirt yard, partially fenced, except for the last scene, with a wooden sawhorse, a pile of lumber, and other fence-building equipment set off to the side. The Opposite is a tree from which hangs a ball made of rags. A baseball bat leans against the tree. Two oil drums serve as garbage receptacles and sit near the house at right to complete the setting†(Wilson 2). He mentions that the fence has three partsRead MoreFences by August Wilson Essay771 Words  | 4 PagesIn Fences, Aug ust Wilson introduces an African American family whose life is based around a fence. In the dirt yard of the Maxson’s house, many relationships come to blossom and wither here. The main character, Troy Maxson, prevents anyone from intruding into his life by surrounding himself around a literal and metaphorical fence that affects his relationships with his wife, son, and mortality. Throughout the play, readers see an incomplete fence which symbolizes Rose (Troy’s wife) and Troy’sRead MoreRabbit Proof Fence Essay672 Words  | 3 PagesRabbit-Proof Fence Summary: An overview of the ways in which the film Rabbit-Proof Fence conveys the importance of home, family, and country to indigenous peoples. The film Rabbit-Proof Fence conveys the importance of home and country to indigenous peoples. The director Phillip Noyce refers to home in different ways. He has symbolised home by repeatedly showing images of the Spirit Bird and the Rabbit Proof Fence, since it is a connection to their home. The movie shows Mollys determinationRead MoreThe White Picket Fence Was All Races Suburban Goal Essay530 Words  | 3 PagesThe suburban life is a dream which people of all economic backgrounds sought. Although many families were not able to realize the ideal white picket fence suburb experience which one often imagines when speaking of the suburbs, they still created a suburb of their own. The desire for a suburban home to call their own was largely due to the notion that a home provided a sense of security; it was safety net (Nicolaides and Wiese 2006:213). This safety net could not be obtained in the central city becauseRead MoreSymbolism In Rabbit Proof Fence1306 Words  | 6 Pagesto the historical contrast that divides Australian society. The volume of this irrational prejudice through the perpetuation of dominant western ideologies depicted Aborigines as treacherous and unscrupulous. In contrast, the riveting Rabbit Proof Fence film released in 2002 and directed by Philip Noyce, eschews bigotry by illuminating a dense history of racist and distorted Aboriginal representations. Furthermore, it chronicles the ordeal of the Stolen Generation which included abducting half-castRead MoreRabbit Proof Fence Essay728 Words  | 3 Pages(and combinations of several) techniques to reprensent the concept of the physical journey and specifically that it is the journey, not the destination that matters. Noyce has used a number of filimic and literary techniques thoughout â€Å"Rabbit Proof Fence†to ddo this. The use of symbolism, lighting, characterisation and camera angles all enable Noyce to express the physical journey being explored. The cover of Kellehersâ⠂¬â„¢ novel ______ uses visual techniques such as colour, blending and dark patchesRead MoreEssay on Rabbit Proof Fence1109 Words  | 5 PagesRabbit Proof Fence in the context of Australian identity: In the introductory lecture our attention was focused on a number of core themes which run throughout the course. One such theme was the concept of a nation and the way in which cultural products of the nation shape our sense of identity. Rabbit Proof Fence is an important film to examine within this context as it is the first international film to examine the issue of Australias Stolen Generation. The film brought the story of theRead MoreThe American Dream : A Home On The Corner With The White Picket Fence And Big Oak Tree847 Words  | 4 PagesOwning that little home on the corner with the white picket fence and big oak tree in the front yard has always been the American dream, but for some unfortunate home owners hit by the recession and housing crisis several years ago, it now seemed more like a nightmare. Imagine, after years of hard work, finally having your very own home only to have it ripped out from under you through foreclosure or short sale. This very scenario h appened to countless thousands in towns across the country. Read MoreReview of Rabbit Proof Fence by Phillip Noyce Essay663 Words  | 3 PagesReview of Rabbit Proof Fence by Phillip Noyce Introduction In the Rabbit Proof Fence, Phillip Noyce, the writer, takes into account the conflicting opinions over the stolen generation policy. This was an Australian policy which involved taking half-caste aboriginals away from their families and homes, to be brought up in a white society. The policy was in operation between the 1930s and the 1960s. One of the main justifications for the policy, was to educate
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
1984 Book Essay - 1794 Words
1984 Essay What do you think a normal human being needs to have a good, hearty life? What are the most basic needs that are vital to one’s survival? According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, physiological needs are those required to sustain life, such as air, water, nourishment, and sleep. If such needs are not satisfied, then one’s motivation will arise from the quest to satisfy them. Higher needs such as social needs and esteem are not felt until one has met the needs basic to one’s bodily functioning. Beyond the details of air, water, food, and sex, Maslow laid out five broader layers: the physiological needs, the needs for safety and security, the needs for love and belonging, the needs for esteem, and the need to actualize the†¦show more content†¦Physiological needs are the needs that take the highest priority and they include the need for food, water, air, exercise, etc. Winston gets sufficient amount of food to fill him up. However, the food is not very satisfying. When Winston was at the grille eating with Syme, â€Å"Winston had taken up his spoon and was dabbling in the pale-colored gravy that dribbled across the table†¦He meditated resentfully on the physical texture of life. Had it always been like this? Had food always tasted like this? He looked around the canteen. A low-ceilinged crowded room†¦bent spoons, dented trays, coarse white mugs; all surfaces greasy grime in every crack; and a sourish, composite smell of bad gin and bad coffee and metallic stew†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Orwell 52). This shows that Winston is not in a state of hunger, implying that he has enough food to keep him alive. But even though Winston has enough food to sustain his existence, the food he gets to eat is very unpleasant and distasteful. Furthermore, Winston’s physiological needs are not quite met through the morning workouts, known as the â€Å"physical jerks.†The telescreen wakes Winston up in the very early mornings to in form him to get up to do the Physical jerks. â€Å"The Physical Jerks would begin in three minutes. The next moment he was doubled up by a violent coughing fit which nearly always attacked him soon after waking up so early. It emptied his lungs so completely that he could only begin breathing again by lying onShow MoreRelated Biography George Orwell Essay1135 Words  | 5 PagesOrwell wrote many novels and essays in his lifetime. Some of his novels are Down and Out in Paris and London, Coming up for air, A clergyman?s Daughter, Keep the Aspidistra Flying, and others (George Orwell 1). Orwell?s two best known works are Animal farm and Nineteen Eighty- Four. Orwell also wrote many essays. Orwell?s essays began to appear in The Adelphi. The Adelphi was the most notable with the publication of Orwell?s essay ?A hanging?. Some of Orwell?s other essays were Dickens, Kali and OthersRead MoreA Rhetorical Analysis on Nineteen Eighty-Four1044 Words  | 5 PagesRunning Head: NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR Nineteen Eighty Four: A Critical Essay on Rhetoric Bereket Kifle Composition 12 Honors Abstract George Orwell employs the usage of different rhetoric throughout 1984.  The rhetoric differs from describing the human body and its struggle to survive to the different crimes and how the citizens felt about them.  Also, within 1984 lies a warning from Orwell: to eliminate the caustic consequences of a communist government.  While OrwellRead More1984 and V for Vendetta Comparing and Contrasting Essay754 Words  | 4 Pages1984 And V For Vendetta Comparing And Contrasting Essay George Orwells 1984 and the movie V for Vendetta both have similar views on how society is being run. Since The book 1984 was written before V for Vendetta, so perhaps V for Vendetta may have based some of its ideas on this book. Both 1984 and V for Vendetta have similarities like the way the themes and how the male protagonists are the one in charge of overturning the government. The first similarity between 1984 and V for VendettaRead More1984 Essay Historical Perspective674 Words  | 3 Pages1984 Essay Historical Perspective Many historical events have occurred in the past years that are occurring today. Similar events happened in the years of 1948, 1984, 2014. Dystopia has been shown in many types of governments throughout the years of 1948 to 2014. Hitler for example showed a dystopian type of government where hatred towards jews and propaganda played a big role in his government. The book named 1984 written by George Orwell, has a historical perspective. Orwell published the bookRead MoreOne Of The First Dystopian Novels To Become Famous Was1396 Words  | 6 PagesOne of the first dystopian novels to become famous was 1984. The concept of dystopian novels is not only to entertain readers, but to let them understand the characteristics and ideas of a dystopian society. Some of these characteristics are shown through our society but at a more drastic level. Basic fears are exaggerated such as the following: distrust of others, disease, contaminated water, nuclear holocaust, etc. The reader can gain m ore knowledge by finding ways in which the topics the authorRead More1984 By George Orwell1038 Words  | 5 Pages 1984 by George Orwell Brittany Beard Creative Writing 12/14/17 Abstract In this essay, I will use three sources to develop an answer to the question: â€Å"What relevance does Orwell’s text, 1984, written in 1948, have on today’s society?†. I will discuss today’s society’s use of words used in, 1984. The sources given are all relatable, but i have chosen these three, because I can give a better reasoning to how they are relatable. I must include Citations for all informationRead MoreThe Power of Language 1984 Comparison Essay1525 Words  | 7 Pagesworks, 1984 and Politics and The English Language, it is clear that Orwell is using his writing to bring awareness to the dangers of the manipulation, misuse, and decline of language. In 1984 he demonstrates how language can be used to control thought and manipulate the past. This is proven throughout the novel by examining the language of Newspeak and how it is key to controlling the totalitarian state, and how using language to alter and manipulate history can shape r eality. In his essay PoliticsRead MoreComparison Of Shooting An Elephant By George Orwell827 Words  | 4 Pagesnovels and essays touch on aspects of government and human nature that will always remain relevant. With America’s changing values and controversial times, Orwell’s warning seem more relevant than ever and prove that with strong ideas, a novel can remain current beyond lifetimes. Two of Orwell’s first literary works were his essays regarding his experiences as a policeman in Burma during imperialization from Europe. These essays include â€Å"A Hanging†and â€Å"Shooting an Elephant.†In these essays, he showsRead MoreEssay about 1984 and Brave New World1304 Words  | 6 Pages1984 and Brave New World Undoubtedly, the thought of living in, or forming a utopian society has flashed through nearly every person’s mind. A few people have even tried to make this ideal dream society a reality. Unfortunately, within the pursuit of these societies the leaders become corrupt and begin to become paranoid with the fear of rebellion. Hundreds of people were murdered during the reigns of Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin in what they considered measures to maintain peace and stabilityRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s Brave New World And 19841400 Words  | 6 PagesB.N.W. v.s. 1984 Synthesis Essay Hypothesis become theories and theories become laws. Brave New World and 1984 were both predictions made in the 1900s about what the future of the world would be like. Both of these books were written during the time when communism rose, and they show a world where it would have been like if communism was never struck down. Certainly, one novel makes a better prediction of the future than the other, and this case it will be 1984. 1984 is a better prediction because
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Comparing Classical and Romantic Music Essay Example For Students
Comparing Classical and Romantic Music Essay Comparing Classical and Romantic Music through the finale of Mozart Clarinet Quintet and Mailers Symphony no. L in D major Titan By steps_eve The Music of the classical and Romantic era is a period of time where it shows the development and different styles of music. This can be shown through the manipulation of musical elements, (dynamics, pitch, tempo, rhythm, texture, meter, tonality, structure, melody, harmony, instrument) while contrasting them, but it can also be shown through the composers of the music, the size of the orchestra, musical directions, emotional content, and non-musical developments through that period of time. After the Renaissance and the Baroque era, the Classical era soon followed at around the 1720-sasss. During these times in Europe, there were many non musical developments, ideas of the enlightenment, political issues, scientific discoveries and the reexamination of established ideas, including the existence of God. Many of these ideas and has got huge impact on the heavy Monumental baroque style and later developed with a more intimate rococo style, with its light colors, curved lines, and graceful ornaments, which greatly resembles the classical period. Shortly after the Classical period, the Romantic era appeared during the 1820-sasss. At these times, non-musical developments such as cultural movements strongly expressed emotion, imagination, and individuality. People such as Romantic painters and writer often emphasized the freedom of expression; they often saw political revolution as a reflection of their own struggles for artistic freedom. This had made a huge impact on Romantic music, because the emotional subjectivity turned into a basic quality of Romanticism. Comparing the musical elements of Classical era and Romantic era, we would notice the many differences, and hence we can identify and recognize the music of both eroded. The first musical element that I will discuss is rhythm. As we can see, the rhythm of the Classical era tends to be less complex and quite repetitive. Classical style usually includes unexpected pauses, syncopation, and frequent changes from long notes to shorter notes, and the change from one pattern of note lengths to another may be either sudden or gradual. As we can see in the Finale of Mozart Clarinet Quintet, we can see that during each of those variations, the rhythms are not very complex and quite repetitive, for example, the first 3 8 bars of the introduction n Mozart Clarinet Quintet show a somewhat consistent rhythm consisted 4 of crotchets each bar, the 2nd variation show a consistent rhythm of 4 sets of triplets between the 2nd violin and viola, the 3rd variation shows a consistent rhythm of 4 sets of semi-quavers in each bar, with the clarinet normally. Through what I have changed to shorter and shorter, in this case, from 4 crotchets to 4 triplets to 4 semi- quavers. Also, in variations like Mozart clarinet quintet, triplets and syncopation can be found frequently. In contrast, romantic music tends to not emphasize that much on simple and consistent rhythms. There are often changes in the number of beats in a measure, cross-rhythms, syncopation, etc. For example in Mailers Symphony no. L in D major Titan, consistent notes goes against syncopation, there are accompaniments with skips and staccatos etc. (p. 16)Both Classical and Romantic eras have written musical directions, unlike Renaissance and Baroque which does not have any. Moreover, I have noticed that the musical directions of both pieces have extreme differences. As we see in Mailers symphony no. L in D major titan 3rd movement, there are many written musical directions: dynamic, emotional, tempo directions. For example, in the first 20 bars, there are already 7 written musi cal directions, whereas in Mozart clarinet quintet, there are extremely small amounts of written musical directions, only 2 written musical directions in the first 20 bars. This significantly shows that there are differences in the use of written musical directions in the Classical and Romantic era. Classical and Romantic music has differences in melodies and structures too. In classical music, the structures emphasize more the grace of proportion and balance, moderation and control; polished and elegance in character with expressiveness and armor structure held in perfect balance. Furthermore, the forms do not vary as much as the Romantic era, they had forms like sonatas, symphonies etc. The melodic phrases are usually balanced and symmetrical made up of two phrases of the same length. For an example, in Mozart Clarinet Quintet, the music is very symmetrical and well balanced, in a variation form. However, in Romantic music, they rather emphasize on the emotional content than trying to sound balanced and symmetrical, and expanded their use of forms and created new forms, like impromptu, ballade, etude, nocturnes etc,. Moreover, the melodies normally have either really long or short phrases, increased in range, but also increased in chromatics. Arlo Guthrie EssayAs we can see in Mailers symphony no. L Titan, the texture is pretty thick in general, due to the size of the orchestra which creates density, and during the bars of 134-137, the whole orchestra is used, which creates the intense and climax moment. In general, although both Classical and Romantic music are mainly homophobic, the thickness of the texture is contrasted significantly. Chromatics was also used differently in the Classical and Romantic era. In the classical era, melodic chromatics was used frequently (especially by Mozart) to balance the harmonic plainness. In its simplest form of chromatic scales, it occurs a lot in unaccented passing notes. Melodic chromatics does not usually affect the harmony; it is mainly used for color-modification of diatonic notes, to add tone color by composers. However, Romantic music generally uses chromatics to form the musics harmonies and create chords. This helps the composer to expand the emotional contents and express a few different emotions of the musical piece. In general, chromatics was used very differently in the Classical and Romantic era. Cadenza chords of Classical and Romantic music is similar, but you can say that addenda chords of Romantic music are built on top of the cadenza chords structures of Classical music. In Classical music, they generally have a cadenza chord structure of I V- l. In Mozart clarinet quintet, the cadenza chords can easily be recognized as chords I V- l, as we can see in the first 16 bars. In Mailers symphony no. L in D major titan however, the cadenza consist of only chord I from bar 158 to the end, 1 1 bars all written in chord l. This type of chord structure is seldom found in Classical music, because Classical music usually ends a piece of music in an authentic dance, appeal cadence, or deceptive cadence. In Romantic music, these cadences are still used, but composers like to end their music in their own unique way, Just like Mailers symphony no. 1 in D major. Another difference that I have noticed between Classical and Romantic music is the size of their orchestra. In a Classical orchestra, there are normally only 20-60 players, which involve strings: 1st 2nd violins, violas, cellos, double basses. Woodwinds: 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons. Brass: 2 French horns, 2 trumpets. Percussion: 2 timpani. However, towards this end of the Romantic era, the orchestra might have included around 100 musicians. The constant expansion of the orchestra reflected composes changing needs as well as the growing size of concert halls and opera houses, due to technological advances. The brass, woodwind and percussion sections of the orchestra took on a more active role, calling for trombones, tubas, and more horns and trumpets. The woodwind took on new tone colors such as contrabass, bass clarinet, English horn and piccolo. Orchestral sounds became more brilliant and sensuously appealing through increase uses of cymbals the triangle and the harp. Imposers express their emotion and creating emotional intensity. Composers from the Classical Period tend to focus more on the structure of music, creating music that is structural and compact in form, and captures our attention by the beauty and structure of the music, which usually Just expresses one emotion. However, composers from the Romantic Period focused more on depicting their emotions in their music, emphasizing on expression rather then structure, expressing several different emotions. When we compare Mozart Clarinet Quintet to Mailers Symphony No. In D major Titan, Mozart Clarinet Quintet tends to be more focused on perfecting the harmony between the different melodies and also the structure and forms, while Mailers Titan emphasized much more on the emotional content. In short, Classical music tends emphasize on the beauty of balanced structures, expressing one emotion, while Romantic music tends to express more emotional contents, expressing several different emotions. In general, the music of Classical and Romantic era are very different in many ways, in all aspects of the elements, dynamics, pitch, tempo, rhythm, texture, meter, analogy, structure, melody, harmony, instrument, and especially how they express their emotional contents.
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